Jeanne Moreau “felt abandoned” – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 31 July, 2017


Jeanne Moreau has died at the age of 89 years on Monday, 31 July. Sad news for the film buffs, but also for his family and friends. A guest on the plateau de BFM TV, the French filmmaker Jean-Pierre Mocky has revealed disturbing information about the past of the actress.

She was an emblematic figure of French cinema, a voice that is recognizable among a thousand. Jeanne Moreau died on Monday 31 July. His body was found lifeless in his paris home by his housekeeper, according to the information in the magazine Closer. A real shock for his family and friends. But for several years, Jeanne Moreau was more discreet. His latest film back to 2015, where she played in The talent of my friends, performed by Alex Lutz. A no bad experience for the actress, as explained by director Jean-Pierre Mocky on the plateau de BFM TV on Monday morning – he has worked with her in The Miracle in 1987 : “She felt abandoned because she could not play any more, it missed him a lot. The last time I got on the phone, she told me that she wanted to play. But she had not the strength to do it. She was very weak and had a lot of trouble working. “

Throughout his life, Jeanne Moreau would also have suffered teasing on his voice so special : “When it has aged, it has taken on a voice a little special – the voice of someone older – and there were a lot of people who laughed at her. It is imitated in the sense of really very negative. […] I wanted to people. […] I found that one to be ridiculed. “But if Jeanne Moreau was mocked by some, it remains for many a great lady of French cinema. Ever.

Photo credits – BestImage

Jeanne MoreauJean-Pierre Mocky

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