Just after being elected, Doug Ford is far from being unanimously

News 12 March, 2018
  • Photo Archives / Agence QMI
    Doug Ford

    QMI agency

    Monday, 12 march 2018 15:16

    Monday, 12 march 2018 15:16

    Look at this article

    The new leader of the progressive conservative Party of Ontario, Doug Ford, has just been elected leader of the progressive conservative Party of Ontario (PPCO) that it is already facing criticism.

    The brother of the former mayor of Toronto Rob Ford is far from making the unanimity among voters, according to a survey from the firm Forum Pool made for the “Toronto Star” after the victory in a tight and controversial politician.

    The stroke of the probe reveals that 48 % of ontario voters disapprove of the choice of Doug Ford as leader of the PPCO, against 36 % who are in favor.

    Already being compared to Donald Trump because of his positions with populist, the leader inherits a party that has the wind in its sails. The same survey indicates that the PPCO harvest currently 44 % of voting intentions, compared to 27 % for the NDP of Ontario, and only 23 % for the liberal Party of the current premier Kathleen Wynne.

    This race was triggered after the resignation in January of former chief Patrick Brown as a result of allegations of sexual misconduct. He had tried to present himself to his own estate, before retiring two weeks ago.

    The provincial elections in ontario will take place on 7 June next.