«Justice has prevailed»: Biden announced the elimination of the leader of «Al-Qaeda»

Politics 2 August, 2022

The US President announced on Monday, August 1, that he had carried out a deadly airstrike on the leader of the terrorist group «Al-Qaeda» Ayamn al-Zawahiri. An Egyptian man was killed in Kabul, Afghanistan, more than twenty years after participating in the preparation of the September 11 attacks.

The announcement was made two days after the military operation: on Monday, August 1, US President Joe Biden announced that he had carried out a deadly airstrike on the leader of the terrorist group «Al-Qaeda», Ayman al-Zawahiri. Osama bin Laden’s former right-hand man was killed by the US army while he was hiding in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Ayman Al-Zawhiri was wanted because of his terrorist activities. He was a close associate of Osama bin Laden, especially when it came to the preparation of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center in New York.

In 2011, when Osama bin Laden was killed by a US Army commando, the Egyptian Al-Zawahiri took over the reins of the «Al-Qaeda» terrorist group. Until recently, according to Joe Biden, he continued to call for violent actions in the United States.

Ayman Al-Zawahiri is a figure of radical and jihadist Islam, who experienced the greatest longevity until his death, which was announced on Monday, August 1 (Tuesday, August 2 in France) by American President Joe Biden. His life alone covers all the changes in modern jihadism, from its rise in Egypt in the 1970s to the triumph of the Taliban, who returned to power in Kabul from August 2021.

The leader of «Al-Qaeda», who was killed on July 31 at the age of 71 as a result of an American drone strike on a house where he was under the protection of his Afghan masters, lived in Kabul.