Kabul : 56 dead in the bombing of a shia mosque

News 21 October, 2017
  • AFP


    Saturday, 21 October, 2017 07:11

    Saturday, 21 October, 2017 07:11

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    KABUL, Afghanistan | The bombing of the group islamic State against a shi’a mosque in Kabul on Friday evening resulted in 56 dead and 55 injured, according to a new balance sheet provided by the ministry of the Interior.

    “The balance of the attack against the mosque of Imam Zaman has risen to 56 people, including women and children, and 55 injured”, said Saturday to AFP the ministry spokesman Najib Danish.

    A previous balance sheet was 39 dead and 55 wounded, of the faithful broke at the end of evening prayer by a suicide bomber who opened fire inside of the building to the crowd, before releasing his explosive belt.

    The group islamic State (EI) has claimed responsibility for the suicide attack by designating a “Turkmen (who) has managed to blend in with his explosive belt” in this mosque in western Kabul district, a mostly shi’ite.

    Organization ultraradicale sunni, the AR considers shia muslims as heretics and commits regular attacks against them in various countries, including Afghanistan and Iraq.

    According to Dahiul Haq Abid, deputy minister of Haj and religious affairs, Afghanistan, a country whose population is majority sunni, has about 10 000 mosques of shiites.

    At the time of Ashura, at the end of September, the government decided in concert with the religious authorities, to strengthen the security of these sites regularly covered by the AR.

    Civilians were armed to support the police.

    “We are grateful to the ministry of the Interior for this plane, but two guards by mosque, this is not sufficient,” said Mr Abid, who was interviewed by the local television.