Kellogg’s must pay 9300$
Marie-Eve Dumont
Wednesday, 21 march, 2018 01:00
Wednesday, 21 march, 2018 01:00
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The company Kellogg’s has been ordered to pay 9300 $ for having proposed hardware coloring and crafts displaying the characters of Rice Krispies on its web site, making advertising to children.
“Advertising to children has an impact on the diet quality of young people by increasing their preference for foods that are less nutritious and rich in calories. It influences their knowledge of food, their attitude towards junk food, as well as their preferences and behaviours in food, ” said Corinne Voyer, spokesperson of the Coalition’s weight, which is at the origin of the complaint to the Office of consumer protection, filed in 2015.
Kellogg’s has pleaded guilty to this offence related to the Act on the protection of the consumer (LPC), which prohibits commercial advertising directed to persons under 13 years of age.
Photo courtesy
Corinne Voyer
Coalition weight
These promotional tools contain different coloring of the site of Rice Krispies. They featured the characters of the brand, called Cric, Crac and Croc in addition to display a blue banner at the bottom of the drawings, in which figure the name of the cereal company and Kellogg s. there was also a game of cards with tinker showing also the characters, as well as the website of the cereal brand.
These coloring pages and crafts were under the tab “children’s Games” and “Activities for children” of the site. It was also possible to print out a party hat for children with the characters.
Federal law
This decision falls while the federal government is considering a draft law on advertising to children, including product packaging, like the cubs of the peanut butter Kraft or the toucan of Froot Loops, what is not covered by the CPA.
Elsewhere in the country, the industry self-regulates under the canadian Initiative for advertising food and drinks targeted at children.
“The decision demonstrates that it is possible to regulate web sites, and that these enterprises need to be monitored,” insists Corinne Voyer.
♦ Kellogg’s has not been recalled by The Newspaper.
Other companies accused of advertising to children
Coca-Cola (soft drink Fanta)
- Pleads guilty in 2015
- Water play area at The Round called “Box Fanta” who sported the colors of the drink with the colorful characters who have fun, and drink bottles of Fanta.
Fine 27 664 $
Maple Leaf foods (sausages Top Dogs)
- Pleads guilty in 2012
- Advertising sausages Top Dogs at a show for children presented to Teletoon. It was mentioned at the end of the advertising message, that these sausages were ” a delight for the children “.
Fine of $10,000
General Mills cereals Lucky Charms)
- Pleads guilty in 2009
- Invitation on the cereal boxes Lucky Charms is to visit the website of the brand. There were advertisements, games and cartoons for children.
$2000 fine