Legault wants to stop the wave of haitian migrants from the United States

News 9 August, 2017
  • Photo Simon Clark
    François Legault wants to stop the migration wave of Haitians fleeing to the United States and takes it to the governments who welcome them with open arms.

    Charles Lecavalier

    Wednesday, August 9, 2017 12:26

    Wednesday, August 9, 2017 12:54

    Look at this article

    François Legault wants to stop the migration wave of Haitians fleeing to the United States and takes it to the governments who welcome them with open arms.

    “Encourage them to make a demand in good and due form, like other asylum seekers, and warn them that if they cross the border illegally, they will sooner or later be caught by the authorities and possibly deported out of the country,” wrote the chief caquiste in a public statement broadcast on social media.

    Mr. Legault launched into a tirade against “the official political discourse completely […] totally irresponsible” for a few days. “The liberals are launching a very wrong signal to illegal migrants by opening large arms, as if Quebec could accommodate “all the misery of the world”, to paraphrase the former French prime minister Michel Rocard”, he lamented.

    François Legault said not to be indifferent to the plight of refugees from “war-torn countries such as Syria, or by natural disasters such as Haiti.” He also noted that Canada has international obligations. The chief caquiste believes, however, that the official discourse of “liberals” – it does not indicate whether he is critical of Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard – has prompted migrants to cross borders illegally in search of a better future.

    He understood the empathy of politicians in power: “we just want to take it in our arms and bringing it back to Quebec to offer him a future worthy of the name”. He does however call “their responsibility” not to “make decisions under the blow of the emotion or make statements that can be harmful in the end”, he wrote. “For all potential migrants, this speech liberal official is tantamount to an invitation to run to the quebec border without passing through customs”,-he said.

    Mr. Legault is estimated that Québec is facing an “influx of out-of-control” of “illegal migrants” and the chief caquiste has the impression that the border of Quebec “has become a veritable sieve”. He feared now a “breaker” of Quebecers, including “the attitude of generosity and solidarity towards refugees is undermined”.