Loana, child beaten, tells the story of how she ran away in the middle of the night to escape his father – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 21 July, 2017


His childhood was shattered when she was 10 years old. Loana has revealed in an interview to have been beaten by her father for five years : only his flight has put an end to physical and moral violence she has suffered.

Of Loana one knows the adventure Loft Story, his complicated relationship with his daughter Mindy, and his recent impressive physical transformation. The star of reality tv is back on an episode of her life of which she speaks little, in an interview granted to France on Sunday : she admits to having been a child beaten, and tells the story of how she had to flee her father, at the age of 16 years only.

During the first ten years of his life, Loana lives “a normal childhood and happy ” with his mother and his father. Until everything shifts. “The lack of money and especially the fact that my father is macho man are that he can’t stand not to be the one that brings in to the house, described it. Fell into alcohol, it then became extremely violent. With mom first” . Domestic violence last for a year, until the mother of Loana leaves the house. “From there, “she says, he has deferred all of his hatred and his violence on me. I didn slaps me and made me repeat : “later, I’ll be a whore like my mother !”“.


For five years, Loana endures the abuse of his father. Until the day when she managed to fight her attacker. “16 years later, one evening, I rebiffée against him and I hit him. Mad with rage, he went to smoke a cigarette on the balcony, and the black eye that I was throwing, I knew that at his return, it was over for me, I was dead, she said. So I expected that it turns the gaze a few seconds and I ran away. In the middle of December, in a nightgown. I then hopped on my scooter and travelled at full speed Grasse-Antibes for me to go stay with my mother. “With her mother, Loana grows away from the abuse of his father. And take the path that will lead her to stardom.



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