Lock-out at the smelter ABI: the national Assembly request the resumption of negotiations

News 7 February, 2018
  • Photo Simon Clark
    The national Assembly voted unanimously on Wednesday for the resumption of negotiations between management of the Bécancour Smelter (ABI) and its employees, who are in a lock-out for about a month.

    QMI agency

    Wednesday, 7 February 2018 13:51

    Wednesday, 7 February 2018 13:58

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    QUEBEC | The national Assembly voted unanimously on Wednesday for the resumption of negotiations between management of the Bécancour Smelter (ABI) and its employees, who are in a lock-out for about a month.

    “The national Assembly of Québec recognizes that the lock-out declared to the abi the ABI has negative impacts on the workers, on the economy of the region Centre-du-Québec and Mauricie, and Québec’s economy [and that she] shall request the parties for the resumption of negotiations,” stated the motion submitted by the member for Gouin and spokesperson of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

    Of the 103 deputies present at the vote from all parties, voted for the motion.

    In addition, dozens of union members demonstrated in front of the national Assembly Wednesday to demand the resumption of negotiations with their employer.

    The negotiations between ABI and its employees have begun on 11 September last year, while the collective agreement expired on 23 November. The global offer and the final, filed on the 21st December last, has been rejected by 80 % by the workers.