Marijuana is the cheapest in Canada is found in Quebec
QMI agency
Friday, 9 march 2018 19:07
Friday, 9 march 2018 19:19
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OTTAWA | Quebec is where the marijuana would be the least expensive in Canada, according to a survey conducted by Statistics Canada.
It would pay the substance 5.88 in $ the gram on the average of all illegal markets and legal in the province, said the federal agency Friday.
The canadian average is 6.83 $ per gram.
It is in the Territories of the North-West where one would find marijuana the most expensive in the country, with average prices of 11,46 $ a gram.
New Brunswick reached the second highest price of the provinces the least expensive with the 6.38 $ per gram in average.
These figures are derived from the survey by the internet and is currently run by Statistics Canada on the price of cannabis. It is the price of the month of February.
The federal agency is, however, a caution about the way in which are collected these figures : it is not a survey ; anyone is free to participate and anonymously.
“It is necessary to exercise caution when interpreting these data”, says one.
Quebec city
The price per large cities in canada have also been identified. Quebec city ranks in the top of the list of the least expensive places, with an average price of $ 6 per gram. Montreal follows with 6,24 $ a gram, and then Victoria with 6,94 $.
The major metropolitan area where marijuana is more expensive is Toronto, with 7,94 $ per gram in average.
The purpose of this investigation launched at the beginning of 2018 is to know more about the price of marijuana in Canada before the legalization of the product later in the year.
Other data to note
– The majority of respondents (63 %) indicated that they use marijuana for non-medical purposes ;
– A majority of them, in a proportion not specified by Statistics Canada, would consume each day ;
– A proportion of 61% of the respondents said “buy high quality cannabis”.
Some 17 139 people responded to the online survey during the month of February. It is accessible at this address.