Men with these facial features change often

Techno 25 September, 2017

2017-09-25 11:07

Men with these facial features change often
Scientists from Canada found out, looks like people are prone to cheating.

For information, the experts conducted two studies. In the first experiment involved 145 students who were in a relationship. Participants described their behavior during the communication with other people and the nuances associated with sexual life. During the study, the researchers defined the parameters of behalf of the respondents, namely width and height, reports Rus.Media.

In the second experiment, was attended by about 300 volunteers who filled a detailed questionnaire. Next, the scientists evaluated the tendency of respondents to change.

According to the results of the survey were between the proportions of the face and tendency to cheating there is a certain relationship. On both factors influence testosterone that is produced in puberty. Thus, it was found that men with wide faces (square shape) and wide cheekbones often go to the side.