Moko the crow to return to Wendake

News 15 July, 2017
  • Photo Agence QMI, Daniel Mallard
    Simon Perusse and his crow Moko receive visitors at the traditional huron site of Wendake.

    Sophie Side

    Saturday, July 15, 2017 20:59

    Saturday, July 15, 2017 20:59

    Look at this article

    Six months after having won its case before the courts, the master of Moko, this crow is domesticated that has made headlines, has sounded the first official release of his pet, Saturday, in Wendake.

    “Today, it turns not bad the page. It is like a release for both of us, ” argued in the Journal of the métis Simon Perusse, met at the traditional huron site of Wendake, where he performs, as a guide, most of his visits with Moko strapped to his forearm.

    It was in January last that the nightmare has ended for Mr. Pérusse, when he won his trial to keep the crow, he saved her from a certain death, there are nearly 10 years old.

    The department of Forest, Wildlife and Parks accused him of keeping in captivity wild animal without a permit. During the procedures, he had been forbidden to M. Perusse out the bird from him. Thus, the last two summers, Moko has not been able to visit the traditional huron site.

    “Moko loves the world “

    Mr. Perusse was all smiles for his big return on Saturday. “I make all my visits, we go to schools to give lectures,” says the man. I spend all my days with it, there are many interactions in the home. It is very intelligent, a crow !”

    “People are just a visit with me and they all change their opinion on the crow. Moko loves the world and she is going to see the people that they cherish, ” adds the guide, which specifies, however, that it is not a animal circus.

    For a law to be ” reasonable “

    Simon Perusse is a pity that in special cases such as hers, the wild animals cannot be domesticated legally.

    “I think there would be ways to make a law reasonable, so that one can keep the animal (in some cases). In Switzerland, for example, if you démontres that your pet cannot return to the nature, you can keep it, ” raises it.