Near Saratov the baby died because of negligence of a drunk mother

News 24 October, 2017

Near Saratov the baby died because of negligence of a drunk mother. The incident occurred in the village of Balakovo. Information about the incident spread in the local media.


According to known reports, the couple drank alcohol, and the girl, born on the fourth of October this year, was in the bedroom. The baby started crying, the mother went to calm her daughter. After drinking alcohol, the coordination of movements is disrupted women. She tried to take the child’s hand, but lost the baby on the floor. A citizen raised a daughter and went wobbly gait to the kitchen, on the way to touch the joint on my daughter.

The girl stopped crying, the mother thought she was asleep and carried her to bed. The death of his daughter noticed her father, who later came to the room to look at the baby and noticed the absence of respiration in the newborn. The man called an ambulance, but when paramedics arrived, the girl had already died. On her head was discovered the abrasion. The law-enforcers are investigating this case.