Nintendo 3DS: Which games to buy for Christmas?
Discover our selection of games 3DS and New 3DS to put under the tree this year.
Still have not bought your Christmas gifts? Clearly, you’re in trouble. It must be said that the fateful date is in only a few days, and that you had to take it a little ahead. Fortunately, the Coca-Cola Gaming Stories, it is relatively nice people, and as it is Christmas, it reveals our list of 3DS games coolest of the year to offer or afford for Christmas . First, you can imagine, we recommend the fabulous last episode of the saga Pokemon . In addition, if you do not know which version of Pokemon Pokemon Sun or Moon is for you, you just have to take the test . If you’re more fantastic and epic sword fight, we also recommend a classic T he Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, which is a remake of the episode originally released for Nintendo 64, and that is clearly a gem .
Also in the good old classics that are fun, you can also fall for a game of Mario saga , with Mario Kart 7 or New Super Mario Bros 2, provided of course that the person to whom you offer the game is not already addicted to Super Mario Run, which hit on iOS right now . Finally, if you are followers rather small funs and games not too brain, it can only advise you the excellent Rhythm Paradise Mégamix , released at the end of October, which is a kind of best-of The best songs and mini-games in the series. If you are a great nostalgic Prof Layton, you can also opt for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attoney Spirit of Justice , and its “Objections” always hilarious. In short, you will understand, there are tons of 3DS games that you can still buy to please your family or friends under the tree! What 3DS games did you order from Santa Claus?