Nintendo NES Classic Mini: Replenishment in France will be progressive

Techno 6 February, 2017

Philippe Lavoué, CEO of Nintendo France, announced that the replenishment in Nintendo NES Classic Mini would resume, but will be progressive.
Players who pre-order the Nintendo NES Classic Mini, for which Nintendo apologized low stock available , perhaps will see the end of the tunnel. In any case what was suggested by Philippe Lavoué, CEO of Nintendo France , to our colleagues Pixels section of the newspaper Le Monde . It spoke about a return to the console on the French market, restocks being expected for some time . ” Is gradually replenishes, depending on bookings ” has said Lavoué, which evokes at first replenishment for pre-orders, but would also seek orders from shops . A rather vague phrase about the target of these replenishment, but which confirms a restock for the French market.
A difficulty restock he also explained: ” we were hit by the earthquake in August [Japan, ed], which created a lot of chaos in the supply .” Also according to the CEO of Nintendo France , ” 20,000 or 25,000 people ” have not been able to access the console they had ordered. A lack of these unfortunate gamers who therefore will soon more than ancient history . Gaming Stories with Coca-Cola hopes these problems will not be repeated for the Nintendo Switch, which will be released in a short month, but having learned from their mistakes, Nintendo has planned wide . Have you received your console?