Not enough handicapped in the eyes of the State

News 17 October, 2017
  • Photo Jean-François Racine
    A quadriplegic since two years, Samuel Bruneau receives financial assistance identical to that of a child to follow a gluten-free diet.

    Jean-François Racine

    Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

    Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

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    Two years after a serious neck injury suffered during a game at the school, a young quadriplegic of 16 years is not enough handicapped in the eyes of the provincial government to obtain financial support enhanced in order to meet its many needs.

    Private partially the use of her arms, Samuel Bruneau, a teenager from Saint-Georges-de-Beauce, must receive assistance for most activities of daily life.

    His mother had tried to get the new supplement for a disabled child requiring exceptional care “. Like many other parents, the request was denied. Dated as of September 4, 2017, more than half of cases (54 %) had been refused since the announcement of the program by Retired Quebec, responsible for the payments.

    The government’s response in the case of Samuel is very clear. “We came to the conclusion that Samuel is not limited absolutely to the four habits of life. “This would have a limiting absolute only for the nutrition, personal care, and travel, which is insufficient for the government.

    “Angry “

    “I was so angry. It frustrates me and it is unfair. Nothing can have person. I find he has exceptional care, ” says his mother, Nancy Lamontagne.

    “To talk and eat, it’s going to. But to get up, transfers, to wash me, my care, I need someone and it costs a lot of money. Should it be virtually a vegetable for support ? It has needs and there is nothing that is paid. It takes what ? “adds Samuel.

    Despite a request of revision, the family has a right only to the “supplement for children with disabilities” of $ 190 per month in 2017, but not to the sum of $ 947 per month for ” exceptional care “.

    According to the current regulations, Samuel receives the same amount that a child with multiple food allergies, or a child who must follow a gluten-free diet.

    “It’s a little insulting to them,” commented another parent who has managed his side to get the famous supplement to his daughter.

    Of high-spending

    Injured during a game at the school in November 2015, the young Beauceron does not receive compensation from the SAAQ as road accident victims.

    His mother managed to buy a new home with an access ramp and a shower fitted, but the work at the home of his father have still not started.

    “My father’s home, if the fire ignites, I’m unable to get out of the house,” says Samuel.

    Only the Maurice Tanguay Foundation, has participated in the purchase of a vehicle. The school Board considers for its part that it is not responsible for the tragedy.

    “Following the accident, the government said it did not know if he would still be disabled in one year and now I am told that it is not quite a disability,” says his mother.

    “Stop complaining ! “says the teenager

    With a moral hell, Samuel Bruneau guard hopes to see his condition improve, and castigates people who dare to complain about their discomforts.

    “When people ask me how I manage to be as positive with my disability, I ask them how they are to be as negative without a disability ! A broken arm, it heals. Not my neck. Stop complaining, ” says the teenager, a smile that does not lack of projects.

    He wants to become an investigator

    Confined to the house for a few weeks for another surgery, the boy expects to be able to return to school to complete his secondary education. It will begin shortly driving course, and he dreams of becoming an investigator for a police force.

    “I’m going to try it. If I can’t, I can’t. If I can, I’ll show that I’m capable of. I’m tired of make me tell people that I am limited. “


    Since his accident, Samuel does not feel the need to receive help from a social worker or a psychologist.

    “I have no need for it ! I have nothing to say. My morale has always been good. I’m a young person. I still have hope. I had nothing to feel in the bottom of the body so that it is not at all the case. It will take the time it takes. “

    Despite a bad day where the spasms are many, he says not to think too much about the circumstances of the accident.

    “I’ve moved on to something else. There is nothing to do. It’s going well. I have a girlfriend. I continued to do sports. I tried hockey, alpine skiing, soccer electric chair. I would love to try the rugby, but it all happens in Quebec. Outside, the resources are more scarce. “