On Kuban the man was arrested for stealing 20 tons of flour : Crime news : Vladim

News 8 January, 2018

In Kanev district of the Kuban 43-year-old man was arrested for stealing 20 tons of flour, a few days after statements to the police.


According to investigators, 43-the summer inhabitant of Kuban has placed an advertisement online about doling out flour in large quantities. The ad said the entrepreneur Kanev district, which offered 20 tons of flour for 300 thousand roubles cash. “Buyer” took 20 tons of flour, but asked for a delay in the calculation and promised to transfer money to the seller. A few weeks later, the businessman did not see the expected money, and the scammer turned off the mobile phone and changed the number.

The businessman gave a statement to the local police and a few days later the fraudster was found by investigators. Man of 43 was arrested and instituted criminal proceedings for fraud.