Ottawa will limit the alcohol in sugary drinks

News 19 March, 2018
  • Vincent Larin

    Monday, 19 march, 2018 01:00

    Monday, 19 march, 2018 01:00

    Look at this article

    Health Canada will intervene in order to restrict the size and alcohol content of drinks alcoholic in the wake of the death of the young Athena Gervais of Laval, which would have consumed prior to drowning.

    According to our information, the minister of Health of Canada, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, will ask today that Health Canada take immediate action by launching a 45-day consultation with a view to amend the Regulation on food and drugs.

    The federal agency is hoping to restrict the size of the cans or the alcohol content in drinks such as the FCKDUP and the Four Loko at a certain rate of sugar.

    These beverages showed a rate of alcohol of 11.9 %, or the equivalent of four glasses of wine for a single bobbin.

    Less pub

    “What we want is to determine a level of sugar in the drinks from which one must limit the rate of alcohol or the size of the cans,” said a source.

    Health Canada should then convene a meeting with the governments of all the provinces to discuss how to reduce the risks associated with the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages-alcoholic, always according to our information.

    Advertising, marketing and labelling of these products should, among others, be discussed during this meeting.

    The presence of beverages with high alcohol content in a large format, has increased dramatically in the canadian market in recent years, contends a source in the government, hence the importance of addressing the problem.

    Quebec claimed

    The body of a teenage girl of 14 years, Athena Gervais, was found in a creek behind his high school in Laval on the 1st of march.

    Friends of the teenager had then confided that she had drunk almost three FCKDUP during the lunch break that day.

    The Quebec government has subsequently announced that sugar-sweetened beverages-alcoholic beverages would not be sold in convenience stores and food markets, but rather in the branches of the Société des alcools du Québec.

    “It is expected that Health Canada will do due diligence and regulates quickly the question “, had later said the prime minister, Philippe Couillard.