Pentagon urged to prepare for war in space : In the World : Vladim

News 28 February, 2018

David Goldfein, holding the position of chief of staff of the air force of the United States, said that States will be able to fight in outer space in a few years.


On the preparation of the United States to conduct combat in space, Goldfein said in his speech at the next Symposium the air force Association, which was held in Florida. David Goldfein noticed that in the foreseeable future the American side will be able to strike right from the outer space. David added that the us government requires the U.S. air force led the fighting in the contested part of the new territories, combining the joint efforts of the military.

Also, Goldfein said that the emergence of new generations of commanders, the involvement of US military power in all spheres, including cyber space and outer space, air and sea. We will remind, this year on the development of the U.S. air force from the state budget was allocated for 20 percent more money than last year.