Philippe Couillard criticizes the PQ on the Island
Photo Roger Gagnon
Dominique Lelièvre
Saturday, 29 July, 2017 15:24
Saturday, 29 July, 2017 15:24
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The prime minister of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, defended on Saturday, having wandered in the record of the oil exploitation on Anticosti island, as intimated by the Parti québécois.
“It takes a hell of a nerve. They sign a contract for the Island, without making an environmental assessment, in full electoral campaign. Imagine if we had done it. They leave it on my desk, I am hit with that,” quipped Mr. Couillard, Saturday, in the margin, Crossing the lake Saint-Jean, at which he was attending.
The Parti québécois had, the day before, welcomed the moratorium on the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons on Anticosti island, declared by the government Couillard, while decrying that he has “left some uncertainty for too long” in this folder.
In the context of this moratorium, the government of Québec has reached an agreement with the majority of the partners of the project and provide a global compensation of 41.4 M$. It does not, however, yet heard with the Quebec Petrolia, who has in the past claimed the sum of$ 200 Million in the event of termination of the contract.
Economic development
Philippe Couillard has also swept away the criticism on the negative message that could send this change to the business world.
“There are a lot more people happy than the other category. One is for economic development. […] One wants an investment, but an investment that does not destroy our natural environments,” he said.
“From the beginning, when I found it on my desktop, this agreement which was signed by the PQ, I was not very happy. We honored the contract, but there comes a time where one must make a decision,” he said, deciding that a continuation of the work of exploration would have been in “contradiction” with the nomination of the Island to the UNESCO world heritage site, that it supports.
Background tourism
The prime minister of Quebec has been open to the requests of the mayor of Anticosti, John Pineau, to set up a development fund to put in value the heritage of the island, without however making specific promise.
However, it has reduced the expectations on the creation of a link maritime link to the rest of Quebec. “I’m sensitive to the idea of the ferry, but from there to say that we will do so, it is necessary to do studies,” said Mr. Couillard.
— With the collaboration of Kevin Dubé