PHOTO – Angelina Jolie paralyzed on her face, the actress confides nine months after her divorce – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 28 July, 2017


Divorced from Brad Pitt since the month of September 2016, Angelina Jolie indulges in the next issue of Vanity Fair for the first time since its separation. The mother of this family reveals you encounter health problems during these last few months.

After being long walled up in the silence following his divorce, Brad Pitt has finally resurfaced in the pages of the magazine GQ. Opting for a strategy of outspokenness, the actor of 53-year-old has managed to exorcise all of his pain by confessing its sins publicly, buying a new conduct in the eyes of many admirers. Now, it is the turn of his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, to try the experiment, and to figuratively bare in the pages of the September edition of 2017 of Vanity Fair.A long interview during which the actress 42-year-old looks back on his professional life, her family life, her separation with Brad Pitt and his health problems.

Installed recently in its huge property in Los Feliz, in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Angelina Jolie is slowly taking possession of the premises. It must be said that the pace of this year has not been rosy for the mother of a family. As if the education of her six children were not enough, the daughter of Marcheline Bertrand had to take care of her career as an actress, director and producer not to mention the divorce to which she has faced and the many health problems that are in the same time. As she entrusts herself to Vanity Fair, Angelina Jolie has indeed suffered as a result of high blood pressure during the period of his separation. It also reveals to have been suffering from facial paralysis a frigore, called Bell’s palsy by our English-speaking friends. Paralysis caused by damage to facial nerves and pushing a portion of the patient’s face to sag, while the other part can move as usual. “I can’t tell if it is menopause or just the year that I had “wondered Angelina Jolie. Always is it that the mother of six children is now rid of his hypertension, and his paralysis of the face. No surgery or no medical treatment were not necessary. Angelina Jolie assured him, she only resorted to acupuncture.

Angelina Jolie opens up about putting her family first, life after Brad, health issues & her most personal film yet

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) July 26, 2017

Photo credit : Martial Trezzini/AP/SIPA

Angelina Jolie

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