Pierre Bruneau: 30 years after the death of his son, Charles, the science has made great strides
Photo archives, Ben Pelosse
QMI agency
Friday, 9 march, 2018 12:20
Friday, 9 march, 2018 12:20
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MONTREAL – In 30 years, advances in the health community have been extraordinary. At the time, Charles Bruneau, the son of the leader antenna of VAT New Pierre Bruneau, had a 35% chance of cure of the leukemia. Today, the average rises to 80 %.
In this 30th anniversary of the death of his son, Charles, which occurred on march 9, 1988, Pierre Bruneau is back on Friday on the progress that has been made over the past three decades.
“Today, all children have the same chances of healing and I believe that it is the most beautiful success of the Fondation Charles-Bruneau”, he said in an interview on the set of the “Quebec Morning”, to the antenna of LCN.
According to Peter Bruneau, the message that had his 12 year old son, diagnosed leukemic, has the same effect today. Young people have the same desire to heal.
“I am made to believe that Charles, it is the cause, expressed by Mr. Bruneau. These are all children who are diagnosed with cancer across the province of Quebec who recognize themselves in this message of hope, Charles.”
The Foundation supports research
The attending physician of Charles Bruneau, Dr Jocelyn Demers, had this willingness to put this dream of a cure of the disease. Since, a cancer center was built at the CHU Sainte-Justine. The Foundation is now present in all the university centres of Quebec.
In particular, a unit Charles-Bruneau will be opened in June next to the Mother-Child Centre in Quebec.
The Foundation continues to support research. Efforts are made in concert between all the hospitals in Quebec.
“In the time of Charles, did not have enough survivors to be able to see the effects of the cancers. Today, we have a nice cohort of survivors, and we see that there are, unfortunately, of the sequelae in 20-25 % of cases,” explained Pierre Bruneau.
Difficult for families
Pierre Bruneau went regularly to the CHU Sainte-Justine, and he claimed to receive many testimonials of families who have to go through the same ordeal.
“It is so difficult. We do not live in it always at the same level. Often, it is one of two spouses who is going to stay in the hospital with the child, which will grow through the disease. The other will grow too, but by meeting the needs of the family also. There is sometimes a break.”
Progress has also been made from this side. 30 years ago, it was often impossible for parents to take leave from their work to accompany their child, even when their child was terminally ill.
The work is not done
In conclusion, Mr. Bruneau was held to thank all those who, during all these years, have contributed to the success of the Fondation Charles-Bruneau, which have helped to improve the chance of cure of children.
Pierre Bruneau also holds the commitment of all the nurses, all hospital staff and volunteers.
“The Foundation is saying thank you to everyone for having so well managed hitherto, but we still have a long way to go. If the victory was so simple, my goal would be to close the Foundation, but it really must continue.”