Pokemon GO: First catastrophic live event in Chicago

Techno 28 July, 2017

A real event organized by Niantic to celebrate the first year of Pokemon GO, what could have happened wrong? Make the players pay to play a free game, without giving the opportunity to play finally.

Pokemon GO celebrates its first year by finally giving access to the legendary to all trainers. Niantic decided to take the lead by proposing a paying event in Chicago that would allow each player to go back with Lugia, the first legendary of the game. Only after 2 hours of delay, The live of this event was transcribed live on Twitch, showing the fiasco that live the trainers. Pokemon GO is not really considered to be an application without bug and allowing to play in optimal conditions … By asking 20 to 20 000 people hoping that the servers as well as the antennas networks hold, Niantic has somewhat given the stick To be beaten.

Thus, many participants were never able to take advantage of the Pokemon and other exclusive bonuses during the event, giving rise to a shocking entry of Niantic CEO John Hanke and the rise of many songs “we Can not play “(we can not play). Eventually, players attending the event were promised a refund of their tickets, $ 100 in bonus in game and an Artikodin. Hopefully Niantic takes this into account in order to improve the quality of its servers for future events taking place a little better. In the meantime, you can always try to capture the legendary Pokemon GO by following our tips here.