Pokemon Go Valentine’s Day: What are the Pink Pokemon, most often present during this event?

Techno 9 February, 2017

More Pink Pink for Valentine’s Day? Find out what are all the pink pokemon gen 1 that will appear more often in Pokemon GO.
Surprisingly , Niantic yesterday launched the Valentine’s Day event in Pokemon GO . For this occasion, the studio has decided in others to make appear more often pink Pokemon in the days to come … Only and if you have a small hole of memory, we will remind you what are these famous Pokemon that you will have much more Chance to capture until the end of this special event dedicated to Pokemon lovers.
The Pokemon that often appear during the Valentine’s Day event … Except Mew
As you can see on this picture, the Pokemon Mellofee, Melodelfe, Rondoudou, Grodoudou, Ramoloss, Flagadoss, Noeunoeuf, Excelangue, Leveinard, Mr. Mime, Metamorph and Porygon will have many spawn in the days to come. However, for Mew, it is pink, but to see it appear during this vent, in our opinion it is dead … Too bad, at least this event will give you the opportunity to complete your Pokedex in Pokemon GO , some of These monsters being rather rare or even very rare! Do you already have these Pokemon in your Pokedex?