Québec launched an awareness-raising campaign on cannabis
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QMI agency
Tuesday, 13 march 2018 20:08
Tuesday, 13 march 2018 20:10
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QUEBEC | gouvernement Couillard on Tuesday launched an information campaign on cannabis use, the consumption of which should be legalized by the federal government this summer.
The campaign, which will take place until 8 April, will target more specifically young people aged 15 to 34 years, as well as their loved ones. It will address the effects related to the consumption of marijuana, without “trivializing or dramatizing”.
The main axis of the conveyed message is that the use of cannabis is not to be trivialized, and that it is better to know the effects and consequences before consuming it, even if it is a substance in the process of being legalized.
“We have to heart to inform Quebecers of the effects of the use of this substance, so that they can make informed decisions in this regard”, said the minister for Rehabilitation, youth Protection, public Health and Healthy habits of life, Lucie Charlebois.
The awareness campaign, including advertisements on tv, video clips and web banners.