Road works and congestion on Henri-IV this summer
Photo By Stephanie Martin
The minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale Sébastien Proulx and the minister for Transport Véronyque Tremblay announced on Wednesday that the road projects are a priority for the region.
Stephanie Martin
Wednesday, 14 march, 2018 09:57
Wednesday 14 march 2018 17:28
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Motorists will have to be patient this summer: the government of Québec has confirmed the launch of the construction of the autoroute Henri-IV, which may well cause a lot of congestion.
“You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs”, agreed by the minister for Transport, Véronyque Tremblay, during the announcement Wednesday of the road projects to take place in the National Capital. The government is allocating a total amount of 422 million us $ by 2020 and the largest share goes to the widening of the highway Henri-IV in which the work will be done from August to November.
They will be carried out mainly at night, has promised the minister, which ensures that the ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) has done the maximum to reduce the impact of its projects on the fluidity of the movement. “We will try as much as possible to keep all the existing routes in operation, but they may be narrowed, that there are ways to bypass. And if it is necessary, for this great project, we could use the lanes hard shoulder for buses.”
The mégachantier Henri-IV is a project that, in total, should take five years and cost $ 450 million. For the reporting period, it speaks of more than $ 50 million. The preparatory work will be mainly off road, to the height of Felix-Leclerc and Einstein.
“These are large-scale work that will be very visible this year. Some of the elements that we are going to build are preparatory to other amenities such as straps,” stressed the director general of the ministry of Transport for the Capitale-Nationale, Luc Tremblay. The tenders should be launched soon.
The other projects presented Wednesday were all known. “There are no new projects in the list. These are projects that have already been announced. It is the culmination of everything that has been initiated by our government. We deliver what we said”, was submitted to the minister Tremblay.
Other projects
The enlargement of the Laurentienne highway, the construction of the soundproof wall, the enlargement of Charest to the west, between Jean-Gauvin and Legendre, the repair of the viaducts St David’s and the boulevard Raymond on Félix-Leclerc, the repair of access ramps for the avenue Hotels, as well as that of the bridge above the access ramp to highway Duplessis are also in the plans, in addition to various projects that more minors in the peripheral municipalities.
The organizations that promote sustainable transportation have complained that the ad still widening highways. “The enlargement of the 73 (Henri-IV), it makes me freak out. Why? To allow more people to go and live in Shannon? What is the interest? To be hit in traffic, and have other mobility choices that the char? I look forward to anything else in the area of mobility”, has pestered Alexandre Turgeon, the regional Council of environment.
“This kind of ad, we should have it. The road network in Quebec is mature. It is capable of mass to move from one city to another. And this is not normal for the inter-urban motorways are used for the daily commute. I hope that ads like that, this is the last time that we’ll see that following the adoption of the québec policy on sustainable mobility which is due on the 1st of April,” expressed Stephen Grandmont, Access to sustainable Transport.