School angriest man beat up a lawyer and pedagogy

News 7 December, 2017

Aggressive man beat a teacher and her attorney in the office of the Director of the school. The incident was videotaped.


The details of the incident told the lawyer. He argues that the teacher of the Russian language, which is familiar to him, asked for his help. So, the Director of the school where she works, called her to her, saying that her mother student is a senior officer of the interior Ministry, and accuses her of extortion and fraud assessments.

The lawyer agreed to take her case. He along with a friend came to the office, where they waited for the mother of the schoolgirl. During the arisen scandal between the two sides in the audience a man came in and started beating the lawyer and his ward.
On the scene the ambulance arrived. The doctors took a beating and had injured their medical services.

Now the lawyer is going to apply to law enforcement the man during the beating, and the mother of the student for libel. Police are currently conducting a business check.