Scientists have recognized the disney princesses are victims of sexual harassment In the World : Vladim

News 7 January, 2018

One of the Japanese scientists in Osaka, Kazue Muta, who teaches at the University of psychology, noted an unusual fact: the woman recognized the Snow white and Princess Aurora from the animated film “Sleeping beauty” victims of sexual harassment.


In their submissions, the Professor referred to the incident in Osaka. The young man kissed quite a strange girl sleeping in the subway and it got to a term of imprisonment because such actions qualify as sexual harassment. In the fairy tale about Snow white and sleeping beauty both Prince who was in love with the main characters, were kissing them sleeping, so Kazue Muta inclined to think that Princess were victims of sexual harassment.

Fans of disney cartoons laughed at this supposition, and waved her hand, not even taking her seriously. However, some netizens agree with Japanese Professor.