Scientists have refuted the myths about porn

Techno 27 September, 2017

2017-09-27 12:06

Scientists have refuted the myths about porn
Edition BBC published an article that pointed to studies that refute the myths about porn.


In the 1970s he was a Professor of criminology of the University of Copenhagen’s Berl Kutsch conducted a study which was designed to show the relationship of sexual violence and pornography. Measurements he spent in Denmark, Sweden and Germany, where at that time legalized porn. The results revealed no correlation, moreover, the number of certain types of sexual crimes has decreased, reports Rus.Media.


Porn reduces the interest of men to their sexual partners – was established in the 1989 study. Psychologist Ronda Balzan called it “extremely important” to the scientific sphere. In November of last year she conducted a similar survey and the results were the opposite.

During the experiment, it showed to men and women three kinds of materials: magazines with naked members of the opposite sex, with dressed people and abstract art. After the demonstration of each publication, she asked respondents how much they love their partner.


A 2010 study showed that men who watch porn, the less satisfied with their sexual lives than those who don’t. In women there was an opposite situation. Scientists have suggested that such results are caused by the environment in which both sexes watch videos. The fact is that most women like to watch erotic videos in the company of her lover, while men prefer to watch them alone.