Scientists made an interesting statement about dogs

Techno 22 October, 2017

2017-10-22 20:03

Scientists made an interesting statement about dogs
Scientists said that dogs use facial expressions to communicate with people.

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Scientists said that dogs actively use facial expressions when they look at their owners, this is their means of influence on people. So, four-legged friends of man have learned to show emotions in the process of domestication and communication with people, reports Rus.Media .

According to experts, these animals specifically do not attempt to exercise excessive restraint close to their owners, and pupils use facial expressions when looking at people. Scientists conducted a study involving 24 dogs of various breeds aged one year to 12 years. A dog owner and a stranger to pet him planted near it, so that the dogs fixed her eyes on the man. Expression of each animal was recorded on video, and then analyzed using a special program DogFACS, by which you can identify which facial muscle is in motion.

How did you determine, when you look at their owners, dogs showed affection, was described as a “puppy dog face” or expressed sadness. It is noted that for 30 thousand years of evolution with humans during domestication, these animals have learned to distinguish between what people like and how to achieve the desired.