Sex abuse can adversely affect health

Techno 18 December, 2017

2017-12-18 23:54

Sex abuse can adversely affect health
Limit sexual activity – individual indicator, which is different for each person

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And, according to scientists, any attempt to control the sex urge can lead to mental disorder, reports Rus.Media.

Simultaneously, the excessive desire to gain sexual pleasure may have a negative impact on health – will increase the risk of Contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In General, researchers compared hypersexuality, from the point of view of influence on the brain, Parkinson’s disease and bipolar affective disorder.

Meanwhile, another group of specialists have calculated the optimum frequency of sex. According to American experts, the amount depends on the age of the people. The idea is simple: at a young age want sex more often, but in adulthood, more valued the ability to abstain.

This is the conclusion scientists have drawn up to 10-years of observations. Volunteers were divided into three groups: persons 18 to 29 years persons aged 30 to 39 years, persons from 40 to 49 years. For people from the first group, according to doctors, sexual contact should occur a minimum of 112 times per year. The essence of the high concentration of hormones in the body. To control hormones, need frequent sex.

The second group was the norm 86 sex acts per year, in the third – 69 acts. However, experts warn that for each group there are exceptions related to individual characteristics of people. They believe that elderly people in General should be restrained, because sexual intercourse is a serious load on the body.