She loves her “baby ice”

News 4 January, 2018
  • Photo courtesy
    Dominique Di Salvio was asked recently in the company of his son Raphael Di Salvio-Christmas. Raphael was born on September 25, 1998.

    Frederique Giguere

    Thursday, 4 January 2018 01:00

    Thursday, 4 January 2018 01:00

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    “We warmed up as we could. Finally, it was a small miracle ! “While Quebec was plunged in the ice storm in 1998, Dominique Di Salvio conceived a small baby, which will also 20 years old this year.

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    Shortly after the start of the crisis, the electricity has been interrupted in the housing residents of the woman who is now 44 years old. Her boyfriend, whom she had met two months previously, was still current in his Montreal apartment. Then mum with a daughter of a year, Ms. Di Salvio has made his bags before jumping in the bus with her little to join her new lover in hot.

    However, a few hours later, the lovebirds were left in the dark due to a failure on the island.

    “We still decided to stay in the apartment of Montreal because there were no more with us in Laval, tells the story of the mother, met at his home in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, in the Laurentians, just before Christmas. We spent six days without electricity, and our priority was that my daughter would be warm. “

    Photo courtesy

    September 25, 1998


    Shortage of condoms

    Since everything was closed, they had no car and buses were not operating, the lovers had to find ways to kill time when the little one slept.

    “Let’s say that it is easier to warm up to two, launched Ms. Di Salvio, in a smile. But after two days, we had no condoms and there was a shortage in the pharmacies… And it was still cold ! “

    During four days, the couple has decided to continue to have sex even though he could no longer protect themselves. It must be said that they had the spirit rather quiet since Mrs. Di Salvio was confirmed by her physician that she was sterile after an operation in the ovaries.

    “But there is clearly something magical happened during the four days, because life has sent me a small miracle,” she confided, eyes sparkling.

    At the beginning of her pregnancy, the woman was completely in denial. She had significant nausea, but she attributed her discomfort to the poor quality of the water after the ice storm.

    In denial

    When her pregnancy was confirmed, Dominique Di Salvio has felt an avalanche of emotions. On the one hand she was ecstatic to wait for another child. But on the other, she was with the father since only a few weeks.

    “Finally, I made the best decision of my life into the keeping, she said. My son has become a wonderful young man and his father is the best dad in the world, even if we separated after 15 years of common life. “

    After beginning studies in film at its output of the secondary, the young Raphael Di Salvio-Christmas, 19 years old, decided to take a sabbatical year to work in a butcher shop with his father. Even today, her mother can’t help but nickname her ” baby ice “.

    No “baby-boom”

    Contrary to popular belief, there are no “baby-boom” related to the ice storm of 1998.

    Even though several couples have tried to warm up as Dominique Di Salvio and his spouse of the time, the birth rate has not increased this year. On the contrary, a little more than 75,000 babies were born in 1998, which is a lot less than the 60 previous years, according to data gathered by the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

    In the Montérégie region, where thousands of Quebecers residing in the famous “black triangle” were immersed in the black for over a month, the number of births approximately nine months after the crisis is among the lowest in the whole year 1998 in this region. The picture was similar on the side of Montreal.


    That said, a consequence of the crisis on the “baby ice” was scientifically proven by the Ice storm Project, McGill University. According to this study, children whose mothers were pregnant in January and in February 1998, would have developed the physical, cognitive, and behavioral. These effects may be due to prenatal maternal stress experienced by women during the crisis.