Shot at the palais de justice: the intervention unraveled

News 1 February, 2018
  • Screen Capture, TVA Gatineau-Ottawa

    VAT New

    Thursday, 1 February 2018 12:04

    Thursday, 1 February 2018 12:09

    Look at this article

    The situation started Wednesday afternoon when the accused, a young man tried before the youth court for a crime that we don’t know, request to smoke a cigarette.

    The special constable approached the defendant, 18 years of age. He is alone and has been struggling to master it. He asks for the help of the security officers who attend the fight.

    “On the images of the video, we see that the young strike the constable at least once”, notes Jean-François Brochu, ex-sergeant in the Sûreté du Québec. “You have to know that this young person is detained, many wonder why the constable did not let the young go out to go smoke. It doesn’t have to do that.”


    On the images of the altercation, four security agents are seen in the tilt of the door, and do not seem to act.

    “If those people had had the reflex of a citizen, they normally have the legal duty to assist a peace officer, to rescue her. Their inaction will lead to the gesture that you know”, believes Mr. Brochu.

    The time where a special constable had opened fire on a suspect was captured on video by a witness at the courthouse of Maniwaki, on Wednesday.

    The security officers are not trained to react to such situations. Special constables are trained at the police school in Nicolet for this type of intervention. The police will train to do “four to one”, “five against one”, a training that allows you to control a suspect while protecting it from itself, and without the use of the firearm.

    “A peace officer may not lose. Its mission is to hold this individual. If there had been two special constables, most probably the young man would not even “tried”. They would not have had the need to use force, because the only presence of the two constables made to reflect the offender,” says the analyst.

    The Mission of the constable

    The request by the young detainee to leave to go smoke, is the meaning of the act, a request for “escape,” says the ex-sergeant. “The mission of the constable is to keep it inside, it is for that reason that we pay.”

    For Jean-François Brochu, several special constables, a little everywhere in Quebec, to do a job dangerous and tricky, only.

    “The officer was beaten severely in the head with an asp baton. It is a deadly weapon, he could have made a killing yesterday. Once again, the public Safety and the department of Justice, the world will wash their hands”, believes the ex-police officer of experience.

    In addition. Mr. Brochu points out that the agent has the right, in the exercise of its functions, to defend his life.

    “The match in all of this, is that it is not the lack of respect to authority? If this young-there is consistent, there is no problem”, concludes Jean-François Brochu.