Simon Jolin-Barrette wants Quebecers to work more

News 25 January, 2018
  • Archival Photo Simon Clark
    Simon Jolin-Barrette

    Charles Lecavalier

    Thursday, 25 January 2018 18:08

    Thursday, 25 January 2018 18:12

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    In his book, the member caquiste Simon Jolin-Barrette is a tribute to the working culture of Americans and believes that we do not value enough the weeks of 60 hours in Quebec.

    “In the United States, it is a pride to entrust to someone that you have to work 60 hours per week. This is not the case in Quebec. It is first and foremost a question of mentality, ” writes Mr. Jolin-Barrette in his book, I trust, reflections (without the cynicism) of a young politician published Thursday.

    In an interview with our parliamentary Bureau, he explains that he has written this book to foster “commitment and public service,” and show what he wants to change in society. The trigger of his reflection : the reading of Letters to a young politician, Lucien Bouchard.

    In his book, Mr. Jolin-Barrette denounces “our model [which] encourages the cunning and discourage honesty, “and that” promotes the welfare and discourages the effort.” He takes ” the law of least effort, which prevails all too often in our society.” “Where do we get this feeling ? The explanation is not simple. But I believe that our 50 years of “everything for the State” had a price and have influenced our culture of work in the wrong direction, ” he wrote.

    The member for Borduas elected in 2014 at the age of 27 years, salutes “the ideal of self-reliance” to the “heart of the american message” : “For an American, a person who works a lot is someone who has his destiny in hand “. “The american flag fleet not only on all the public buildings, but on many residences. It is a true patriotism. One senses immediately that it is lived “, he notes.

    Mr. Jolin-Barrette ” dream of a Québec ambitious, with the vision […] where the work would not be seen as a burden which he should dispose well before the age of 65 years “.

    Specifically, he wants tax incentives to not work to the disadvantage of québec workers who wish to work more. But he also hopes a public discussion on the failings of our society. He wants to restore “the ancient virtues such as perseverance, work, and respect for the expertise of others, “while denouncing” the superficiality, sham and the ease “of the” society of the image “.

    It criticizes the passage of the social media like ” LinkedIn and Facebook “, where the emphasis is too often placed on the visibility.

    The father of a young daughter, he believes that the national Assembly could adapt to attract the parents. For example, he suggests that they take inspiration from Ottawa, and to limit the hours setting at 18: 30 the judgment of the work of the parliament, while some of the commissions shall serve until 21: 30.

    It refers to the challenges of milléniaux : stifled by student debt, they are struggling to become homeowners. The abolition of the welcome tax could help, ” he said. He denounces, however, our consumer society fuelled easy credit. Unlike before, the debt is ” used for all sorts of purposes, trips, clothes, beauty products, surgeries. These are not basic needs that are funded, but a style of life, ” he laments.

    He also believes that ” a management of the State most responsible could have a positive effect on individuals, influencing their own behaviour of consumption “. He, however, refuses the cynicism and proposes to the young people of his generation to participate in public life to change the society.