Snow removal : a new loading and a budget exceeded

News 15 March, 2018
  • Photo Agence QMI, Joel Lemay

    Sarah Daoust-Braun

    Thursday, march 15, 2018 12:47

    Thursday, march 15, 2018 12:49

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    MONTREAL – When a new load operation of the snow begins Thursday evening, Montréal estimates that its budget for snow will be exceeded by at least $ 20 million this year.

    The loading will start from 19 h. It is the fifth load of snow since the beginning of the year, and the seventh since the start of the season.

    According to the head of the snow removal to the executive committee Jean-François Parenteau, the budget will be exceeded “easily” at least $ 20 million. “It fell a lot of snow in a short time this year, with two storms before Christmas. The cold weather has also meant that there has been no thaw significant between the storms, ” he explained.

    The metropolis has picked up 90 % of the snow that has fallen this season, then it picks up, on average, between 50% and 60%.

    Jean-François Parenteau believes that it is still too early to determine how this additional amount will be covered. Last week, the City had drawn $ 10 million in his budget for unexpected to be able to continue its operations for snow removal for the rest of the year.

    The total budget for snow clearing in 2018 is $ 163 million, and provides for an average of five loads. The budget also includes costs for snow removal for future snow storms of November and December.

    Montreal has received massive amounts of snow this winter. Since the beginning of the season, 235 cm fell on the city. It is about 45 cm higher than during a winter average, according to the City