Sticking with sex gay Russian hacked to death : Crime news : Vladim

News 27 January, 2018

The result of drinking alcohol, which involved two men, one of them was killed with an axe. The surviving man said that homosexuality was the cause of the murder.


23-year-old man living in the Irkutsk region, committed the murder, the victim of which was a young man, previously living in Ryazan. The tragedy occurred at a time when friends were involved with drinking alcohol, and one of them was to insist on sexual contact. According to the suspect, he does not tolerate acts of homosexuality, but when his friend began to strip off his pants, offering oral joy, he ran out of patience, and homophobic was furious.

With an ax lying nearby, the suspect struck multiple blows to the homosexual in the head, causing the victim died on the spot incidents. The incident occurred back in August of last year. The suspect admitted the guilt.