Student from New Zealand got angry because of the ban to wear a colander on his head : In the World : Vladim

News 27 February, 2018

The pupil of one of schools in New Zealand angry because in school he was forbidden to wear a colander on his head when he feels like it. The school administration demanded to remove the colander during the shooting for the Yearbook.


In New Zealand 15-year-old student was forbidden to play with the colander on his head for the Yearbook. The student wearing this type of hat in order to confirm their belonging to rastafarianstva parody religion vs creationism whose adherents worship the Flying spaghetti monster for a God.

The student was angered by the fact that other teenagers were allowed to pose for album in their religious headgear. Young pastafarians reported this incident to the Commission on human rights, demanding the protection of the rights of their own religion. Student is outraged by the fact that his beliefs continue to apply in this way, even in spite of the long struggle pastafariantsev, aimed at recognition of official cult at the state level.