Teachers in Florida will be obliged to learn to shoot the children terrorists In the World : Vladim
In the U.S. state of Florida adopted a new law according to which teachers need to learn how to shoot, to reflect the threat from schoolchildren terrorists to protect other students. Governor Rick Scott emphasizes that the authorities had to adopt a range of measures due to the frequent manifestations of terrorism in educational institutions.
These measures include banning the sale of devices that are able to increase the rate of fire of weapons, and a limit on the sale of assault weapons to raise to 21 years. Scott added that this law will be an example for the whole country and show that we can and need to act quickly.
Teachers in the school, as the guards will be required to master the shooting skills of military models of pistols. It is implied that they will be able to give proportionate resistance to armed terrorists who attacked the students, even if terrorists are disciples of the same school. In addition, the staff of guards will be increased.
In accordance with the signed document, Florida becomes the first state where people deemed dangerous to themselves and others should be mandatory to surrender the weapons in their hands. This law will make it easier for authorities the procedure for taking weapons and ammunition from mentally unstable citizens.