The cat is an indicator of karma!

Techno 9 October, 2017

2017-10-09 20:58

The cat is an indicator of karma!
Most of the normal people refers to cats entirely positive, but some members of the human race have for them nothing inexplicable hostility.

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Cats annoy them, irritate, disturb them and cause a desire to get rid of it. At first glance, what is this? Well, not like people cats, it’s a private matter! It may be so, but I say: “It is an occasion to think seriously!”

Pet cat along with a dog, lives near a man since time immemorial. But if the purpose of the dog was initially specific and clear — hunting, security, with cats it was much more difficult.

The destruction of small pests like rats and mice can be called as a related service, the main purpose of the domestic cat is not in it. The cat possesses a unique bioenergetic system. It is able to fine-tune the surrounding biofield, and even to enter them into resonance, thereby effecting their correction and, if necessary, and feeding, and in exceptional cases even complete recovery. The stories of the owners cats about how after talking with my favorite, they disappear headaches, normal blood pressure, not a fable. Any failure in our body is invariably manifested in the form of distortion energy of the aura, the cat feels it and rushes to help.

However, the talents of these fluffy beauties are not over. Cat can be a specific indicator of human well-being. When everything in our life in order, the cat that lives nearby, is calm, she sleeps a lot, do not neglect hygiene procedures, and she has a good appetite. If your pet is causeless gets nervous, stops take care of themselves, eats poorly, it means you have something wrong. Usually more sensitive all cats react to quarrels in the family, and they always take side, unfairly the victim in these conflicts. If you, for example, unfairly punished their child, the cat will come to him, seizes and humming, try to soothe the baby to regain composure.

And now I want to move on to what and began to write this article. Like any delicate relationship, the relationship between cats and humans are bi-directional. Cats can feel us, but the person feels very good cats. That is why people who are indifferent to him, almost never occurs. Or sympathy, or dislike. With sympathy all clear, but the hostility… In my experience, ninety percent of hard-core alcoholics couldn’t stand cats, a large part of women friends, personal life which was not welfare, regularly and place and out of place, flatly declared: “I Hate cats!”, children exposed to violence in the family or school transferred their resentment on the homeless or the neighbor’s cats. And such examples are not enough. It’s safe to say that the man whose karma is not perfect, cats cause negative emotions. Such people should seriously consider how to change your life, make it brighter and happier. And then these little fluffy beauties will cause them nothing but a smile.