The doctors have published a list of things found in the vaginas of patients : In the World : Vladim

News 29 December, 2017

Doctors issued a list of items in the current year were recovered from the vaginas of patients. Some of the listed items was especially surprising to see in this list.


It turned out that in her vagina ladies “kept” caps are from deodorants, scented piece of soap, a bottle stopper, erectiondoes ring, ball, Bicycle reflector, headphones, phone, silicon balls and even money. Also in the intimate area of the patients the doctors found a hot towel, anal beads, clay, candle holder, sponge candy and a toy magic wand.

The reasons why these items were inside, were highly varied. While not all of the “owner” has agreed to explain how they got these items in such an intimate place. The girl that found the phone and money admitted that it was a sexual whim of her boyfriend. Silicon balls the owner used as a replacement for her husband, who often was on a business trip. The young lady, from the vagina which is removed the sponge announced that he used it instead of a tampon during menstruation, to swim in the pool.