The Federation of doctors specialists defends the agreement with the government

News 15 March, 2018
  • Archival Photo Simon Clark
    The president of the FMSQ, Diane Francoeur, has indicated that falsehoods have been promoted since the agreement has been concluded with Quebec, last February 9.

    QMI agency

    Thursday, 15 march, 2018 19:40

    Thursday, 15 march, 2018 19:42

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    The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ) has finally explained long and broad, on Thursday, the terms of the agreement signed with the government Couillard.

    The president of the FMSQ, Diane Francoeur, has indicated that falsehoods have been promoted since the agreement has been concluded with Quebec, last February 9.

    “It is sure that there has been a lot of things that have been said, written, reported, many by anonymous experts who did not dare to identify themselves,” said Ms. Francoeur.

    Target of criticism and attacks, the Federation has presented the agreement signed with the government, which covers a period of eight years, from 2015 to 2023. The Federation argues that there has been no wage increase granted to its members during this period of eight years.

    “Not a penny of increase for eight years, we never saw that, no, there!”, was launched by the former premier of Quebec Lucien Bouchard, who has acted as a special advisor to the negotiation.

    The only increase of the level of compensation is 5.2 %. It provides for the payment retroactive to April 1, 2017 to $ 250 million to 10 000 doctors, specialists, in addition to other payments for those who were in fiscal year 2016-2017.

    Dr. Francoeur has defended his strategy to explain only today to negotiate an agreement with Quebec.

    “We took the decision to wait until the agreement is signed. It has been signed yesterday [Wednesday] at 16: 30”, she said.

    According to Diane Francoeur, medical specialists have made several concessions in the negotiations with the government. It indicated that it was important for them, it was more of their conditions of work as their wage conditions.

    In addition, the experts commissioned by the canadian Institute for health information, in order to have a valid study, which compares the salaries of medical specialists in Quebec with those elsewhere in Canada.