The Gaspésie angry against Loto-Quebec

News 8 January, 2018
  • Photo Courtesy
    Nathalie Boudreau of Carleton find it a pity not to be able to use the entries tv additional of his ticket Celebration to be deposited in a kiosk Loto-Québec, as there was not in his area.

    Stephanie Gendron

    Monday, 8 January 2018 16:51

    Monday, 8 January 2018 16:54

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    CARLETON | The Gaspesians who have bought a lottery ticket Celebration 2018 estimate that Loto-Québec will treat them unfairly in offering participations tv additional that must be deposited in a kiosk Loto-Québec, then, that there has not in their region.

    “I pay the same price as the person in Montreal, I have the right to have the same number of chances to win,” said Karyne Gignac, who lives in Paspébiac, Gaspésie.

    Hours and hours of road

    To file their coupons interests tv extra offered with the purchase of the ticket Celebration of the players gaspesians have to make a hour drive up to the kiosk Loto-Québec, the nearest, located in Matane, in Bas-Saint-Laurent, 300 kilometres from Gaspé.

    Karyne Gignac would have hoped that Loto-Québec proposes, at least to people who don’t have access to a kiosk that you can send it by mail.

    Nathalie Boudreau, a resident of Carleton, believes the same thing. The kiosk Loto-Québec, the nearest is 2 hours 30 of road. “If they are able to come and sell here the lotteries, they are able to put kiosks”, she believes.


    The member of parliament for Gaspé, Gaétan Lelièvre says that it is the topic of the hour in the Gaspé and that the people are disappointed and angry.

    “Indirectly, that is, as to exclude the players of the regions. In theory you can make it, but who is going to do the whole distance? This frieze was almost discrimination,” said the mp.

    This is the first year that Loto-Québec is proposing that the five entries tv bonuses, the three may be registered in the 110 kiosks located in malls in Quebec in addition to the casinos and games rooms, the other two being on the internet.

    “This year, we have increased the number in line (or two) in order to reach more customers, including those who live in Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine,” said Renaud Dugas, a spokesperson for Loto-Quebec.

    According to him, the Gaspé peninsula is not at a disadvantage because these investments tvs are bonuses to the purchase of the ticket Celebration and they do not affect the chances of winning portions of the draw.

    Registration online and in the kiosks was completed on 4 January, in anticipation of the draw televised from January 14.