The journalist has spent 5 years in 33 brothels and told about the life of prostitutes In the World : Vladim

News 31 December, 2017

American journalist, one of the US States where legalized prostitution, lived in the homes of sexual pleasures for more than five years. For five years mark Macandrews lived in 33 brothels, and studied the lives of workers in the sex industry.


In the state of Nevada in the United States a few years ago, there was legalized prostitution. After such a law is a photographer and freelance journalist mark Macandrews decided to learn about the plight of the representatives of the oldest profession, but also about the lives of these girls inside brothel. Mark spent 5 years wandering in various brothels where he lived and watched the busy life of their inhabitants.

The journalist told a lot about the lifestyle of prostitutes, and also spoke to readers across America on rates of employees in the sex industry, as well as about the package of services they provide in their establishments. But many readers did not approve of the lifestyle photographer for the last 5 years and was surprised at the discrepancy in prices with the appearance of prostitutes.