“The massage from hell’: Salma Hayek reveals the sexual assault she suffered in Austria – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 11 July, 2017


In the issue Chelsea airs on Netflix, Salma Hayek has told one of the moments most shocking of his life. At 50 years old, the actress is back on a massage that she has literally suffered during a trip in Austria.

One of his worst memories of Europe. This is how Salma Hayek defines “the massage of the hell ” she experienced during a trip in Austria. Blocked in the back by a slight lumbago, the actress asks if it is possible to get a massage in one of the rooms of the palace in which it resides. Unfortunately, no masseuse is available. However, there is still one man who could relieve the back of the wife of François Pinault. The middle aged man gives his agreement, out of spite.


Then as the massage begins, she sees the horrible feet ” and “legs hairy” in the masseur. She realizes then that it is in fact totally naked.”I told him”Non, non, non ! It is necessary that you rhabilliez. This is really not cool“”, “recalls she. The interpreter of Carolina in Desperado remembers being petrified and could not run away because she was as naked as him : “” here I am, covered, and you, you run “, I started.”You put your clothes and you get out of here !”” . The masseur, not more embarrassed than this, he is said to have replied : “Sorry, some customers like that I’m naked. “Salma Hayek would have then concluded the discussion : You’re in the wrong customer then, this is not what I asked. The story does not say if the palace has taken sanctions against the massager following the sexual assault.

Salma Hayek

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