The Mat at the entrance to the house according to Feng Shui

Techno 23 October, 2017

2017-10-22 21:11

The Mat at the entrance to the house according to Feng Shui
The main entrance to any home is an extremely important place. This is the kind of portal through which to penetrate the house various energies, both positive and negative, affect the well-being and health of the household.

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From the point of view of Feng Shui through the front door into the room joins the beneficial qi energy is the main “food” of the house. To her was enough, the front door must be various amulets and talismans, and floor Mat is one of them, reports Rus.Media.

How to choose a rug?

How to choose a Mat that will lie at the door of your apartment depends on several factors:

Definitely need to find out the Feng Shui direction of your front doors what side of the world it is located. Depends on the Mat and the effectiveness of its “work” as a mascot.

You must pay attention to the color of the Mat. It depends on the light side, which looks the door, and from what you want using this color to purchase or change in your life.

These are images that can be on the Mat – some of them beneficial and others can ruin lives and financial Affairs.

Color and shape depending on the direction

So, if the door faces West or Northwest, then the best option would be round or oval rugs. For doors, located on the East and North-East, it is necessary to choose the mats are rectangular. The optimal shape for the North side – rounded, and for the East – rectangular. Also suitable to be rectangle for the South and South-West.

As for the colors, for the Western direction, choose mats of white, grey, Golden, copper, yellow, orange or brown colors. For East and South-East – green, blue or black. South Mat the best shades will be reddish and greenish, and to the North – all options are grey, yellow, brown or beige.

The drawings are good and which are not

Most often, entrance mats, decorated with different patterns. However, even the producers themselves don’t always know that not every image on the Mat for good. So, the master of Feng Shui do not recommend buying rugs with pictures of animals, birds, or angels are constantly stepping on these drawings is threatened by troubles and misfortunes.

The best drawings for entrance mats will be those that are associated with the road and directly steps, for example, image paths, sand, sea pebbles, grass, etc. Or choose rugs with characters or symbols of prosperity and good luck.

A special note applies to “branded” floor mats. Some entrepreneurs bought special mats, where is written the name of their company. So, you cannot do it, visitors will regularly stomp the feet, which ultimately can lead to ruin.

The Mat is made with your own hands

And again, you know that as a mascot in no case will not fit older cloth or rag. Actually, rag Mat, too, ceases to be such and becomes a generator of troubles, because it has accumulated a lot of negativity, brought on foot from the street.

Optionally, the mats you buy in the store. You can make them or tie their hands or to rummage in boxes my grandmother-needlewomen. These mats are handmade especially beneficial effect on the aura of the house, creating comfort and harmonise the space.

Making a Mat with your hands, you can not only select the optimal shape and color, but also to weave his positivity and wishes of good home and health of your household.

Put that under the rug and why

The door Mat will be a real draw for happiness and Finance if under it to put coins. This can be brilliant three Chinese coins with holes in the middle. And you can put coins in denominations of 10 cents, 50 cents. It is important to put their heads up.

As a strong protection from enemies under the rug, put sprigs of St. John’s wort or wormwood. These branches need to be changed regularly.

Two needles, tied with a blue thread in the shape of a cross put under the rug, it is also strong careful a remedy for the evil people and arrows of negativity.

Keep it clean mascot

But remember that the Mat will serve as a talisman only if it is clean and well maintained. Therefore, the mats at doors must be cleaned regularly to shake out and wash the floor beneath them. Especially if it are money talismans.

The money absolutely can’t stand the dirt so that the effect of the coins can be quite the opposite, if they are in dirt, dust. So you should find yourself a useful habit to regularly shake out the doormat and clean under it.

By the way, to enhance the energy of Feng Shui while cleaning may be simple household magic. When you clean Mat pregovorite aloud these words:

“Good but for evil – so goodbye”.

Clean and well maintained rug will repay you good and make your life safe and joyful will be closely involved in your home beneficial Chi energy, health, well-being and financial success.