The mysterious “eye of the Sahara” interested users of Google maps

Techno 10 March, 2018

2018-03-10 12:58

The mysterious “eye of the Sahara” interested users of Google maps
Google maps always excites the minds of users.

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This time in the largest African desert were found koltsevidnyh mysterious object, which immediately gave the name of “eye of the Sahara”, reports Rus.Media.

In scientific circles this phenomenon has long been known, but among ordinary people to draw the object was only now. If using satellite view of Google maps to provide the required coordinates of the area, the image will appear, which resembles a eye. Some social media users decided that it was a “petrified storm”, others hinting at an extraterrestrial origin. Scientists, in turn, argue that the “eye of the Sahara”, with a diameter of about 50 km in the West-Central part of Mauritania, has a purely natural origin. To this annular shape can lead to very complex erosion processes. Over time the layers of the soil played out, closing the other. Under the influence of aggressive environment of the soil has turned to stone. Although, in this case, the response of scientists doesn’t sound accurate and final.

At the moment in the “eye of the Sahara” are tours for everyone. But good to see a full, a mysterious object from the air.