The penitentiary for a man in his seventies who wrote stories erotic involving children

News 10 March, 2018
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    Roger Small

    Kathleen Frenette

    Friday, 9 march 2018 15:55

    Friday, 9 march 2018 21:40

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    A man in his seventies who had the hobby of writing stories erotica featuring young children and subsequently distributed to other internet users has been sentenced to a penalty of prison of two years.

    The production and distribution of child pornography are not the prerogative of photos or videos where we see the genitals of children.

    The writing is just as serious, and Roger Little, a man of 73 years, Quebec has learnt when he has been accused, in connection with this type of offence, for the actions that he has committed over a period of two years between 2013 and 2015.

    Interviewed following his arrest by investigators from the SPVQ, Small, confessed to having exchanged many pornographic files during this period.

    Following a search, the police had also recovered approximately 7500 photos of girls of about 10 years naked or having sexual relations with adults.

    Sexual contact

    When he had pleaded guilty to these offences, Small had also admitted to having committed sexual contact on a girl in his neighbourhood in 2002 and 2003.

    Friday, while he was accompanied by his wife, it is so mixed that Little was obliged to apologize to the child being abused.

    “I ask forgiveness if I have done wrong and I regret from my past,” he said.

    Aggravating factors

    As aggravating factors, the prosecutor for criminal and penal prosecutions, Me Valérie Lahaie pointed out to the judge Réna Émond that it was important to remember that the septuagenarian “banalisait its actions,” and that it ” does not admit of question.

    The prosecutor has also mentioned that the pre-sentence report referred to a man, “the narcissistic personality” who had, even today, ” a risk of recurrence as well now “.

    To get out of detention, Little is to be followed up for a period of three years and it will be registered to the sex offender registry for life.