The PQ and its State of grace

News 28 January, 2018
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    Michel Hébert

    Sunday, January 28, 2018 10:18

    Sunday, January 28, 2018 11:09

    Look at this article

    In the country, the PQ no longer believes in really. It can be seen also on the faces. To compensate, and to try and forget his dismay, he falls back, therefore, on the State, the p’tit gros of the confederation, the bouboulimique that he should send to the “gym” for hand upright.

    The State darling at the bedside in which the Institute for information and research sociosyndicale distributes the Kleenex. A State subjected to twenty years of austerity, repeats the IRIS in the name of the soviet local.

    Twenty years of programs sedimented, instances overlapping and bureaucracies deliberately built in a silo. An inconsistency grandiose one hundred billion…

    Poor Condition, padded managers superfétatoires, consultants, temporary and permanent, unseen supervisors, alternates honorary and missionaries of all kinds, a State thereof: confiscatory Ponzi schemes, which imposes a taxation as one of the world’s most voracious…

    It is, therefore, to this State, pâlot and adipose, ubiquitous and superbly effective in the winter, it is to this undeniable success, as the PQ turns to find solace…

    But, in these times of extreme gloom sovereigntist, that can make a party of teachers, trade unionists, civil servants and retirees, otherwise turn to the State which has made them what they are…

    Photo archives Agence QMI, TOMA ICZKOVITS

    That is why, today, like yesterday, when a character outside the norm, such as PKP knocks on his door, he is to recall that, before entering, must swear an oath. To the State. Of the expenditure. So be it.

    Cherish you our programs? Do you like our public servants? You submit to the central council? If yes, and only if you say yes will you be able to try your luck in the marguillers of national trade unionism.

    The PQ of today, sectarian as femen, as we have seen speak again in these days by the mouth of the venerable François Gendron.

    When he was asked his opinion on the possible return of PKP, he is pouting thinker experienced. Before susurrer in a bouquet of microphones that the “progressives” are welcome at the PQ…

    If it is to put “the emphasis on social democracy”, okay. But if it is to give a voice to the objectors of the expense, then…

    We can see that the idea of the country is anything but “national”; it is subordinate to the social-bureaucracy, the special interests glued to the flanks of the PQ has always been exhausted by many “bargains”.

    Claudette Carbonneau

    © ARCHIVE – Jean-Claude Tremblay

    The YES is under the leadership of a former CSN Claudette Carbonneau, who has everything he needs, isn’t it, to keep the case closed…

    Gendron invented nothing. He repeated the tape of the one who dares to think. It was probably not realized the impropriety of his remarks.

    Impropriety that others have made repeatedly: Marc Laviolette, a former CSN, also, militant pq’s long-standing, who said that independence was not supposed to have precedence over statism enraged that characterizes us for fifty years.

    The important thing, this is the type of company that we gave it to Quebec, with our public services, it needs to be preserved, it is not a country to destroy it,” he said to the Franc-Tireurs about the arrival of PKP to the PQ…

    The country, my eye! The country, it depends! The PQ is fatally undermined by this current suicidal, by the obsession of small issues. It is this that drove him into the arms of Québec solidaire. It was believed that the promised land was to the left : error!

    Take the case of a State abusing greedy will only make things worse. Notice that the PQ is not his first mistake…