The PQ is committed to reducing the price of the fishing licences of 20%

News 15 March, 2018
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    QMI agency

    Thursday, march 15, 2018 15:20

    Thursday, march 15, 2018 15:22

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    QUEBEC | If it takes power on the 1st of October next, the Parti québécois (PQ) is committed to reducing the price of the fishing licences of 20 % for adults and make it free for young people under the age of 18 years.

    “Since the liberals took power in 2014, 100 000 Quebecers under hunting or fishing,” said the mp, pq’s Sylvain Roy, by press release on Thursday.

    In this regard, the PQ is also committed to make free licence of initiation to hunting, and this, regardless of the age of the hunter.

    In addition, the party of Jean-François Lisée promises to double “gradually” the number of leases of suites drawn annually, to return to the table of dialogue to determine the price of these leases and put in place a national strategy to limit the costs of ramps in the water.

    “The liberal government has increased drastically the prices of the leases of the resort on the public lands […]! It is a frontal attack on the regions that, once again, are the costs of the decisions liberal”, added Mr. Roy.

    The member of parliament for Bonaventure gave the example of Sainte-Thècle, Mauricie, where the increase in the price of the lease of the resort was 530% in 2016.

    “Our proposals aim to facilitate the access to wildlife in québec, making it more affordable. Thus more and more families will be able to enjoy the great outdoors, camping sites, nature and benefits”, summarized the deputy head of the PQ’s Véronique Hivon.