The PQ wants to put in place a special court for victims of sexual violence and domestic

News 9 March, 2018
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    Friday, 9 march 2018 11:52

    Friday, 9 march 2018 11:52

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    The vice-leader of the Parti québécois (PQ) wants to establish a court dedicated exclusively to sexual violence and domestic, in order to better accompany victims in the judicial process.

    In an interview with the issuance of The 9 Hours on LCN, Véronique Hivon, has confirmed the commitment for the purpose of a better judicial treatment of these causes.

    “We have seen through the movement of denunciation #moiaussi, we see it periodically in the studies, the confidence of victims of sexual violence in the legal system is really very very low, if not non-existent,” she says in an interview.

    The lawyer and politician believes that the State has the responsibility to rebuild this trust.

    “As elected, I believe that there is a need for urgent action. (…) It is necessary to participate in this culture change”, she believes.

    The creation of a room dedicated to the victims of sexual violence and domestic has been tested elsewhere in the world, in South Africa, the United Kingdom, “and which has produced interesting results in order to rebuild this trust,” says the mp of the parti québecois.

    “Closer to home in New Brunswick, there is a room which is interested only in the question of violence”, exemplifies the vice-chief.

    Noting the unique nature of the Québec Court, it considers that it should not copy an established model elsewhere, but to find the recipe quebec.

    “What that gives results, is to see that there is people specialized. Stakeholders of the judicial system are dedicated to these cases. The type of procedures that we put forward is suitable to the reality of the victims. For example, the idea of a witness by videoconference, it is a possibility that exists, but it is applied so variable, sometimes it is the victim who has to ask. It doesn’t necessarily have the knowledge or the energy to do it.”

    The meetings with the victim, psychological support real-time would be facilitated, and could even become the rule.

    “It is a willingness to adapt the system to the reality of the victims,” says Ms. Hivon.

    There is already at Quebec courts specialized in the field of homelessness, substance abuse, and youth.

    Ms. Hivon believes that a chamber specialized in sexual violence and domestic could perhaps become a unit or division in the court of criminal appeal.