The prison for the one who has set fire to his house with his children inside

News 13 October, 2017
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    Dave Mailloux has been found guilty, last month, at the courthouse of Trois-Rivières, arson, knowing that the building was inhabited. He is seen with his lawyer, Simon Ricard.

    Amélie St-Yves

    Thursday, 12 October 2017 11:23

    Thursday, 12 October 2017 21:26

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    THREE RIVERS, | A father who expected his children of 4 and 6 years old are to the inside to set fire to his own house to defraud the insurance will spend the next two years behind bars.

    According to the judge Rosaire Larouche, it is extremely serious that Dave Mailloux, 37 years old, wanted to use her children as an excuse to give credibility to an arson in order to collect insurance money.

    He sentenced the father to two years less a day in prison, Thursday morning, at Trois-Rivières.

    March 13, 2014, Dave Mailloux went to look for his boy and his daughter at his ex-spouse and then returned to his home in Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, in Mauricie.

    He then set fire to the residence at dinner time in the hope of recovering insurance money. He had been trying for a while to sell his house without success and had financial problems in addition to being an alcoholic.

    A few feet

    Dave Mailloux, expected that insurance companies believe more easily to a simple fire for cooking if his children were in the home at the time of the fire, according to relatives called to testify at trial, including the mother of the children, to whom he had spoken of his plan.

    “Before the prompt reaction of this, he vowed that he would not do,” recalled the judge.

    He had finally convinced his ex and had left with the children, but has not kept his word and set the fire anyway.

    The young people were on a couch situated a few feet only just touch the cooker when the fire broke out in the kitchen.

    When the boy noticed the smoke, the father went to the safety of a neighbour’s house, to which he was asked to call the fire department.

    No one hurt

    No one was injured, but the house of $ 109,000 has been declared a total loss.

    Mailloux has not managed to fool the insurance companies, who have never paid.

    Dave Mailloux has always denied the facts, but was found guilty of arson in the knowledge that the building was inhabited, when the witnesses have told, that he had spoken of his plan to put out the fire.

    The judge Rosaire Larouche has recognized that the man wanted to leave his children as quickly as possible as soon as the fire would be taken.

    “There remains, however, that they were in the house,” he said in condemning the accused.